Funding & Support for Coventry & Warwickshire Businesses
In recent months many businesses across the Coventry & Warwickshire region have noted recruitment/apprenticeship, cashflow for capital investment and innovation and rising energy costs as some of the key challenges they face in growing their business.
If this resonates with you then visit Coventry & Warwickshire Growth Hub to find out more on some of the programmes available that might be able to assist in overcoming these challenges. Including:
Warwickshire County Council Green Business Programme: The scheme provides Warwickshire based small businesses in the retail, tourism, leisure and hospitality sectors, as well as certain other sectors most impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, with grants towards the cost of installing energy efficiency measures. WCC is also working with the Coventry & Warwickshire Green Business programme (managed and delivered by Coventry City Council) to offer free energy audits to eligible businesses. Grants of £1,000 to £20,000 (40% intervention rate) will be available to implement the recommendations from the free energy audits.
Capital and Innovation Grants
Coventry and Warwickshire Innovation Programme: Coventry & Warwickshire Innovation Programme: Offers a range of assistance to SMEs to develop innovate and new to the market products, services or technologies. This assistance includes support for developing and testing new products or services including prototyping, support for acquiring and protecting intellectual property, access to finance with grants of up to £100,000 (match-funded), and workshops and 1:1 support.
Investment Fund: Targets Coventry and Warwickshire SMEs that look to invest in capital assets and offers grants to cover the costs of the investment. Companies can benefit from up to 10% of grant to cover the cost of the investment. Depending on the value of the investment, businesses may qualify for grants from £1,000 up to £25,000. The investment must create jobs in the region and the grant will not need to be repaid.
Warwickshire County Council Small Capital Grant: Offers match funded grants to micro and small businesses with growth plans for capital projects. The scheme will provide support for eligible projects requesting between £5,000 and up to £35,000 of grant (support up to a maximum of 40% of the total eligible costs). Match funding must be cash (rather than ‘in kind’) and from private sector sources.
Recruitment Support
- Employment Solutions - The brand-new employment hub for local businesses in Coventry and Warwickshire and FinditinCW members to post their recruitment needs. The in-house recruitment specialist will work with you in getting the right candidates at no cost to businesses.
- Warwickshire County Council Apprenticeship Levy Share Programme: Helps Warwickshire based businesses take on apprentices by covering the full training costs associated with an apprentice.
- Apprenticeship Progression Programme: Supports Warwickshire businesses to progress apprentices onto a second qualification, one that must support both the needs of the business and the employee in their progression. The programme offers a £1000 incentive per apprentice (maximum five apprentices per business).